Stress Relief

Stress is just a part of life. With our smart phones pinging with emails and our schedules jam-packed with meetings and appointments, it’s hard to unplug and recharge at home.

Enter a vacation.

When you travel, you get a break from your daily routine, have the opportunity to take time for yourself, and thus can relieve stress as you re-charge.


Unlock creativity

There’s a reason legendary writers and artists like Ernest Hemingway and F. Scott Fitzgerald traveled the world. It made them more creative. Connecting with a different culture and experiencing a new destination “increases both cognitive flexibility and depth and integrativeness of thought”. In other words, it allows your mind to explore a variety of ideas, and with new ideas comes creativity. Get out and immerse yourself in the destination.

FItness Perks

At home we all have plans to exercise…and then life gets in the way. But when you travel, you have the time to get moving. Whether it’s a hike to see a beautiful view, paddle-boarding in the Caribbean, or just wandering through the streets of Italy, you tend to move more than you do at home. And since physical activity is good for you and you exercise more when you travel, travel = good for you!