Family Alaska


Trip Highlights at a glance…

  • Ride through untouched wilderness on the Alaska Railroad GoldStar Dome train

  • Watch for calving glaciers and marine wildlife such as orcas, humpback whales, sea lions and harbor seals, on a Kenai Fjords cruise

  • Look for wild bears feeding on the shores of Chinitna Bay

  • Flight-see over Denali National Park, landing on a glacier at the base of Denali

  • Visit with Alaskan huskies and gain a better understanding of the sport of dogsled racing at the kennels of four-time Iditarod champion Martin Buser

  • Visit a salmon hatchery

  • Have your own private Alaska cruise with just your family aboard the Sea Mist. Ports of call include Whittier, Juneau, and Ketchikan. Choose one destination along Prince William Sound, or all three!