Holiday Travel Tips: The COVID Edition

If you are planning to travel this festive season, here are my best tips and a little practical advice to implement into your travel prep and mindset! Traveling during an active pandemic means taking a deeper dive before you even get on the plane or in your car.

Get a COVID test 72 hours prior to traveling

Some destinations require it and some don’t, but the rules are fluid right now and are apt to change on a dime. It’s better to be prepared and have one on hand than it is to be scrambling last minute, or worse, not be able to get one.

Re-re-reconfirm any and all reservations prior to departure

Especially when it comes to dining reservations and activities. See above: rules are fluid and are apt to change overnight. A restaurant that you book today, may be closed next week, Christmas or not. If you have a travel advisor, you can move more quickly in figuring out a new plan. Your hotel SHOULD notify you of any disruptions to your reservation, but it doesn’t hurt to make sure.

Proof of insurance

Read the fine print before you take off. There are quite a few destinations that are welcoming Americans, BUT require you to have proof of travel insurance to cover your medical costs in the event you become sick in-country. If you haven’t booked with a travel advisor, you need to check and recheck local regulations and entry requirements. Perfect segue!

Check and Recheck the Local Rules and Regulations

Your travel advisor will be on this, but if you’ve booked yourself, make sure to do your homework and visit tourist board websites or the .gov page of the state you are visiting to make sure of what you can and can’t do, what is and what isn’t banned, and how long or if you need to quarantine.

Self-Quarantine for 7 Days Prior

Don’t wind up getting COVID yourself and ruining everyone’s plans.

Talk To Your Travel Advisor

We don’t have a crystal ball or the answer to everything, but we CAN help you get the resources you need to help answer your questions. From speaking to your hotel about any updates, to leveraging our on-the-ground partners, we can help you get the information you need to make confident travel decisions.

Be Flexible

If you are used to eating dinner or going to museums at a certain time, be prepared to make concessions. You may have to adjust your normal travel rhythm in order to accommodate COVID protocols and openings. And yes, your flight may get canceled. Delta recently canceled around 500 flights at Thanksgiving because they didn’t have enough crew to cover the flights they had scheduled. My client and his family were affected, having to reroute to get back home.

Be Patient

Things are going to be different, and we are all working through the changes. If the airplane boarding process or dining experience takes longer or isn’t what you’re used to, be patient and understand everyone is trying to keep you, your fellow travelers, and the employees safe.

Use a Travel Advisor

There are more logistics than ever to consider with your travels, and no better time to leave it to the pros. A knowledgeable, well-connected travel advisor can help you navigate the turbulence of traveling during an active pandemic.