What’s the scoop on topless sunbathing? Is there really no sand on the beach?
After visiting and living in the south of France on and off for over 20 years, I want to share with you why I love this place so much, and why you will too! This week on the blog, I’m giving you my tips, tricks, and tidbits about The South of France & Why You Should Go".
How to Navigate A Turbulent Travel Year
My tendency is to run my travel consultancy in much the same way as I ran my wealth management practice in my former life. It’s like muscle memory, or a reflex at this point. But I also know my approach stems from operating a travel business in an era of great turbulence in the world. These are the Top 5 recommendations I’m giving my clients going forward for the remainder of the year, and that you too can act on as we navigate these waters together over the coming months.